Bioeducation Journal Bioeducation Journal en-US (Rahmawati Darussyamsu, M.Pd.) (Yosi Laila Rahmi, M.Pd.) Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:54:38 +0000 OJS 60 Comparison of Integrated Biology Learning Citizen Science: World versus Indonesia <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><em><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Integrated learning citizen&nbsp;science&nbsp;has become a major focus in the global education context. This study compares integrated learning approaches to citizen&nbsp;science&nbsp;between the world scope and its implementation in Indonesia.&nbsp;Citizen Science&nbsp;become innovative learning that combines community participation in scientific activities and provides opportunities for students to be actively involved in the process of scientific discovery during the learning process. This study compares learning citizen&nbsp;science,&nbsp;which is widely implemented in several countries in the world, with its implementation in Indonesia. This research is included in a systematic&nbsp;literature review&nbsp;(SLR) with PRISMA analysis. This study collects related articles on citizen&nbsp;science, which consists of 49 articles indexed by Scopus and SINTA, both international (35 articles) and national (14 articles), from various countries. The research results show that although the concept of citizen&nbsp;science&nbsp;has received global attention, its implementation in Indonesia still faces several unique challenges, including aspects of infrastructure, community participation, government support, and lack of guidance. However, there is great potential to develop this approach in a local context by taking into account the natural wealth and diversity of natural resources in Indonesia. This research provides a deeper understanding of the comparison between integrated learning citizen&nbsp;science&nbsp;on a global scale within Indonesia. These findings imply that the importance of adjusting strategies in order to approach citizen&nbsp;science&nbsp;can be integrated effectively into the educational context in Indonesia. This allows active community participation in sustainable scientific development with findings obtained through the integration of learning in schools.</span></em></p> Utari Akhir Gusti, Topik Hidayat, Siti Sriyati, Nur Hamidah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:26:09 +0000 Feasibility of Project-Based Biology Learning Design for Utilizing Agro-Industrial Waste to Improve Eco-Literacy of High School Students <p><em>Ecoliteracy (ecological literacy) refers to an understanding of how humans can interact with one another as well as with nature, and how this contributes to sustainability. The purpose of this study is to describe the process and results of validating the development of a project-based Biology learning design using agro-industrial waste to improve high school students' ecoliteracy levels. This learning design development research was carried out using the ADDIE development model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate), which was limited to the development stage. The learning design includes teaching modules, E-LKPD, and ecoliteracy assessment tools (test questions and questionnaires). Data on the validity of the learning design were collected using expert validation sheets and analyzed descriptively using the development product criteria</em><em>. The average score for the learning design validation test by material and learning design experts and users (teachers) was 92.4; 82.6; 92.4; and 95.8. The test included validation of teaching modules, E-LKPD, ecoliteracy questions, and ecoliteracy questionnaires. Based on the criteria for the feasibility of teaching materials, the average value falls into the "very valid" category and can be used to teach grade X high school biology on environmental change.</em></p> Novy Eurika, Ika Priantari, Aulya Nanda Prafitasari, Anisa Dea Suryani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:38:11 +0000 ChatGPT-4o Answer Accuracy Analysis for Biology Test Questions <p><em>One of the products of current technological developments is artificial intelligence (AI). ChatGPT is one of the AI ​​products that is widely used, including educators and students. Lecturers are required to develop learning that supports improving students' critical thinking skills. Students often use shortcuts to find answers or solutions related to problems presented by lecturers in class, including using ChatGPT. However, the answers given by ChatGPT are not entirely correct, so it is necessary to verify the explanation. This descriptive study was conducted by directly testing the answers generated by ChatGPT-4o. The answers are explained through literature studies from various textbooks or scientific articles related to biology. The instrument used was in the form of test questions related to several topics of courses in the field of biology education, which were typed as prompts to obtain answer information from ChatGPT-4o. The results of the answers to each question typed into ChatGPT were then analyzed using scoring based on the assessment rubric. Based on the results, it can be concluded that ChatGPT-4o's answers </em><em>accuracy on</em><em> biology </em><em>test</em><em> are fairly accurate</em><em>.</em></p> Adam Fernando, Diah Putri Anggun ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:41:16 +0000 Effective Science Learning: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Finland <p><em>Science studies nature systematically through observation and experimentation to understand the causal relationships of natural events. Science learning not only focuses on the mastery of knowledge but also on the process of discovery, skills development, and scientific attitudes. The main challenge in science learning in Indonesia is the disparity of educational facilities between schools causing a gap in the quality of education, low science literacy of students and misconceptions. Science learning in Finland, known for its phenomenon-based and student-centered approach, offers a potential solution. The Finnish education system emphasizes interdisciplinary understanding and real-world relevance, which can be applied in Indonesia to improve the quality of science learning. This research is a literature study that identifies, evaluates and analyzes articles related to science learning in Indonesia and Finland. Results show that the adoption of Finnish methods can improve science learning in Indonesia by emphasizing hands-on experience and active student interaction. The Finnish government also supports science learning from an early age to develop children's potential. This study suggests improving education facilities and adopting best practices from Finland to improve the science education system in Indonesia.</em></p> Rahmadhani Fitri, Azwar Ananda, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rusdinal Rusdinal ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:43:45 +0000 Development of Podcast Media in Learning Digestive System Material in Senior High School: Design and Implementation <p>This research is motivated by the condition of differences in students' levels of understanding of biology learning material which causes the learning process in class to become passive, apart from that students also have low interest in reading and rarely repeat learning material at home. The solution that the author offers is to develop additional audio-based learning media to help students learn independently outside the classroom. This learning media can be listened to by students whenever and wherever they are. The objectives of this research include analyzing the needs of teachers and students for the media being developed and to determine the validity and practicality of developing biology podcast media on class XI digestive system material. MIPA. The method used in this research is research and development (R&amp;D) with a 4D approach (define, design, develop, and disseminate), but this research did not reach the dessiminate. The instruments used in this research were student needs analysis sheets for learning media development, validity test sheets, and practicality test sheets for Podcast media. Based on this research, the percentage of validity of podcast media was 86% in the very valid category, practicality by teachers was 85% in the very practical category, and practicality by students was 74% in the practical category. It can be concluded that the podcast media is in accordance with the needs of teachers and students and is ready and practical to use.</p> Ardea Mesitha Putri, Roza Helmita, Najmiatul Fajar, M Haviz ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:46:31 +0000 Research on Brain Based Learning Models in Biology Learning: A Systematic Literature Review <p><em>Research on the application of the Brain-based Learning (BBL) Model in biology education has the potential to provide a deeper understanding of how the brain processes biological information. The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review of previous studies on the application of the BBL Model in the context of biology education. A systematic literature review method was employed using the Scopus and Google Scholar databases as data sources. Out of the total articles found from 2013, a total of 17 articles met the established criteria and were then carefully analyzed. The analysis revealed several key findings, including (1) The trend of BBL research in biology education peaked in 2019; (2) The distribution of BBL research is still uneven in Indonesia, with the majority in the Java region; (3) Quantitative research methods dominate BBL research; (4) The implementation of BBL is widely relevant across various educational levels, but has not been applied to all levels; (5) The Classification System of Living Organisms is the most commonly chosen topic in BBL research; (6) The implementation of BBL has a positive impact on various aspects of student abilities. Based on these findings, BBL holds promise in supporting biology education. However, further research is needed to explore the BBL Model in a broader and more diverse context. Such research can delve deeper into various research methods, research subjects, and learning topics. Thus, more innovative and adaptive learning practices can be developed through a more comprehensive understanding of the potential of BBL in biology education.</em></p> Waliyyatu Azzahra, Sariwulan Diana, Eni Nuraeni, Haryanto Haryanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:47:19 +0000 Analysis of Biology Students' Multiple Intelligences as a Basis for Modifying Teaching Methods <p><em>Education is an important effort in creating a conducive learning atmosphere and learning process for students. In the process, educators who do not understand the intelligence of students will have difficulty facilitating the process of developing individual potential to realize their goals. intelligence is the ability to solve problems and create products that have cultural value. The intelligence possessed by students varies, or is also known as multiple intelligences. Multiple intelligence consists of nine types of intelligence which include: 1) logical-mathematical intelligence, 2) naturalistic intelligence, 3) musical intelligence, 4) verbal intelligence, 5)interpersonal intelligence, 6) bodily kinesthetic intelligence, 7) intrapersonal intelligence, 8) intelligence spatial-visual, and 9) existential. This research is a quantitative descriptive study conducted on 218 students of the biology department of UNP in 2022. It is hoped that this research will help educators to be able to design effective learning processes in accordance with the intelligence criteria of students.</em></p> Ganda Hijrah Selaras, Lufri Lufri, Heffi Alberida, Mega Iswari, Afdal Afdal, Ilham Sepriadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000